Let's get started by going through your inventory and making sure you've got all the right pieces!

Open up your Phonemic box and dump the contents out, you should have:
- 1 Phonemic PCB
- 1 Male XLR Jack
- 1 T100 Handset Telephone Transceiver
- 1 Handset Telephone Transmitter Cap
- 1 10uF Capacitor
- 1 600ohm 1:1 Audio Isolation Transformer
- 1 Slide Switch
- 1 LED
- 4 Resistors (120ohm, 560ohm, 1k-ohm, 2.2k-ohm)

You'll also need:
- A Soldering Iron
- Solder
- Glue Gun
- ~8" of wire (solid or stranded core)

Step 1: Small Components

Place the resistors in their corresponding slots. Use a resistor calculator, if needed, to identify resistors.

Solder all resistors in place.

Step 2: Medium Components

Place medium components (LED, switch, capacitor, and transformer) and solder in place. 

Note the polarity designations for the LED and capacitors.

The switch and transformer are not polarized.

Step 3: LARGE Components

Place large components (XLR jack and battery clip) and solder in place. 

Battery clip affixes to the back of the PCB.

Step 4: Connect the Transceiver

Take your length of wire and cut it into two 4" lengths. Connect each to the designated holes in the top lefts corner of the PCB. Solder them, as shown, to the inside and outside of the back of the telephone transceiver. It is very important to do this exactly as shown: if the connections are crossed, or different holes are used, the mic will not work. 

Once the back of the telephone transceiver has been soldered, give it a minute to cool and then seal the joints with a glue gun. The back side of the transceiver is very smooth so this serves to prevent your solder from just snapping off.

Affix your transceiver into your cap by your preferred adhesive method and VOILA you're done!
